We have learned nothing from the Holocaust
People of all religions and those who have no religion: We learned nothing from the Holocaust. Where are the Muslims who should be demonstrating in the streets, where are the Christians, the Jews, the Hindus and all leaders of every religion on this planet? I appeal to you, children and babies are being massacred and the world is silent. I am willing to go to any faith group and organize a major protest.
Speak out about this for G-d’s sake. The fall of Aleppo may Initiate the end of the revolution. Children , women, old men, and civilians are being murdered. There are those who say that this is a civil war and we should let them fight it out on their own, if the tables were turned they would not help Israel or the Jews. We Jews are supposed to be the “light unto other nations.” This is why we must be vocal to help stop this Genocide.
As one whose parents were in the Holocaust and who lost most of his family including two siblings, all I can do is speak out for these poor souls. I only wish I could do more.. Yes, I feel guilty watching the horrible pictures of the dying while sitting comfortably in a chair here in the U.S. I pray for them and ask that all of us do so. I remember growing up in Kansas City seeing my father’s numbers of his left arm and my mother who had aged more than her years, asking, where was the world to help. I now repeat the same question and have no answer.
Mr. President, the Holocaust is the Murder of six Million Jews
As Rabbi for Trump I have constantly fought for Mr. Trump , been attacked for this and won’t back down. There is no need for him to be repeatedly asked about antiSemitism; he is certainly a dedicated friend to Israel and I believe to the Jewish people.
Recently, a religious reporter, in my opinion asked a rambling incoherent question regarding anti-Semitism. Mr. Trump has repeatedly answered this question and should merely have answered that he supports Israel and the Jewish people. One issue which disturbs me greatly is that if one questions any statement from President Trump or the White House one is considered a traitor. The vice president visited the Dachau concentration camp in Germany. This was an opportunity to remark that the Holocaust was the murder of six million Jews. Again, according to the news, he intentionally omitted this statement. This time one cannot blame a Russian Jew who served on the President’s staff. I understand that in the light of the world’s problems there are other significant issues. But for me, an immigrant and refugee born in a displaced person’s camp, the child of Holocaust survivors who lost their entire families in the Shoah, this is a fight I must continue. I grew up as an only child in Kansas City, Missouri and knew most of the Holocaust survivors. Most including my parents are now deceased.
I was one of the first to complain about the presidential statement which omitted mention of the six million Jews on Holocaust REMEMBRANCE DAY. There are some who believe the term Holocaust is all inclusive. They are wrong. I predict within a few years after the death of the last Holocaust survivor the term Holocaust will be integrated with the term Genocide.
I petitioned
the White House asking that President Trump tweet a message stating that Holocaust means six million Jews. . I don’t know why Jared Kushner remains silent nor why the White House wont correct their statement. Read my book Echoes of the Holocaust.
If you are satisfied with the term Holocaust meaning any Genocide, remain silent. Most teachers of Holocaust studies are not Jewish and most programs dealing with the Holocaust, in order to receive state funding must broaden their teaching to include other Genocides. It is obvious the revisionists, KKK, neo Nazis and Holocaust deniers are focusing on this. They can state that even the US president cannot be convinced to specifically mention six million Jews in reference to the Holocaust. There are people who will disagree with me, but I promise you unless we fight now, there will come a time when Holocaust memory will be nothing more than a date in history.
Rabbi Dr. Bernhard Rosenberg